Course Overview
In this course you will learn the basics of communicating with the Python environment as well as various penetration testing techniques and knowledge of basic forensic data collection and analysis.
Moyens d'évaluation :
- Quiz pré-formation de vérification des connaissances (si applicable)
- Évaluations formatives pendant la formation, à travers les travaux pratiques réalisés sur les labs à l’issue de chaque module, QCM, mises en situation…
- Complétion par chaque participant d’un questionnaire et/ou questionnaire de positionnement en amont et à l’issue de la formation pour validation de l’acquisition des compétences
Who should attend
Network and IT specialists or interested persons
Course Master Class: Advanced Python (Associate Training) (PYTHON03) or equivalent knowledge
Course Objectives
- You will learn the basic mechanisms of network technology
- You can perform simple penetration tests in a targeted manner
Course Content
- Basics of network technology
- Analysis of network traffic with Python
- Penetration tests with Python
- Forensic investigations with Python
- Advanced techniques
- Attacks on wireless networks with Python
- Web reconnaissance with Python
Moyens Pédagogiques :