Implementing Splunk IT Service Intelligence (ISITSI)


Course Overview

This 18 hour course is designed for administrator users who will implement Splunk IT Service Intelligence for analysts to use. The first day includes the day of content from Using Splunk IT Service Intelligence.

Moyens Pédagogiques :
  • Quiz pré-formation de vérification des connaissances (si applicable)
  • Réalisation de la formation par un formateur agréé par l’éditeur
  • Formation réalisable en présentiel ou en distanciel
  • Mise à disposition de labs distants/plateforme de lab pour chacun des participants (si applicable à la formation)
  • Distribution de supports de cours officiels en langue anglaise pour chacun des participants
    • Il est nécessaire d'avoir une connaissance de l'anglais technique écrit pour la compréhension des supports de cours
Moyens d'évaluation :
  • Quiz pré-formation de vérification des connaissances (si applicable)
  • Évaluations formatives pendant la formation, à travers les travaux pratiques réalisés sur les labs à l’issue de chaque module, QCM, mises en situation…
  • Complétion par chaque participant d’un questionnaire et/ou questionnaire de positionnement en amont et à l’issue de la formation pour validation de l’acquisition des compétences


This course is part of the following Certifications:


To be successful, students should have a solid understanding of the following modules:

  • Splunk Fundamentals 1
  • Splunk Fundamentals 2
  • Splunk Fundamentals 3
  • Advanced Searching and Reporting

Or the following single-subject courses:

  • What is Splunk? (Retired)
  • Intro to Splunk
  • Using Fields
  • Scheduling Reports and Alerts
  • Visualizations
  • Working with Time
  • Leveraging Lookups and Sub-searches
  • Correlation Analysis
  • Search Under the Hood
  • Search Optimization
  • Introduction to Knowledge Objects
  • Creating Knowledge Objects
  • Creating Field Extractions
  • Enriching Data with Lookups
  • Data Models
  • Introduction to Dashboards
  • Dynamic Dashboards

Students should also have completed the following courses:

  • Splunk Enterprise System Administration
  • Splunk Enterprise Data Administration

Course Objectives

  • IT Service Intelligence analyst user training
  • Deployment and Initial Configuration
  • Designing, Implementing Services and Searches
  • Defining and Adding Entities
  • Defining Service Templates, and User Access
  • Using Predictive Analytics
  • Customization, Maintenance, Troubleshooting
  • Creating and Defining Correlation Searches and Event Aggregation

Course Content

Module 1 - Deployment and Initial Configuration

  • Understand IT Service Intelligence licensing
  • Describe factors affecting IT Service Intelligence performance
  • Identify IT Service Intelligence components
  • Configure IT Service Intelligence roles
  • Configure IT Service Intelligence modules
  • Describe IT Service Intelligence deployment options
  • List IT Service Intelligence hardware recommendations
  • Describe the installation procedure
  • Understand IT Service Intelligence licensing
  • Describe factors affecting IT Service Intelligence performance
  • Identify IT Service Intelligence components
  • Configure IT Service Intelligence roles
  • Configure IT Service Intelligence modules

Module 2 - Designing Services

  • Giving customer requirements, plan ITSI services
  • Design service KPI properties, such as schedules, importance, and thresholds
  • Identify entity-oriented KPIs
  • Identify dependencies between services

Module 3 - Data Audit and Base Searches

  • Analyze a data environment based on implementation requirements
  • Identify necessary data sources for KPIs
  • Plan data intake for IT Service Intelligence configuration
  • Implement base searches to support service design

Module 4 - Implementing Services

  • Use a service design to implement services in IT Service Intelligence
  • Create KPIs using base searches
  • Configure basic KPI settings for calculation and aggregation
  • Configure KPI lag and backfill
  • Set KPI importance
  • Calculate service health score

Module 5 - Thresholds and Time Policies

  • Configure KPI thresholds
  • Use aggregate and entity-level thresholds
  • Use static and adaptive thresholds
  • Apply time policies to thresholds
  • Create custom threshold templates

Module 6 - Entities and Modules

  • Add KPIs to services from modules
  • Identify good use cases for entities
  • Define entities in services
  • Use entities in KPI searches
  • Use pseudo entities in KPI searches

Module 7 - Templates and Dependencies

  • Define service template use cases
  • Create service templates
  • Create new services from templates
  • Create dependencies between services

Module 8 - Anomaly Detection and Predictive Analytics

  • Define anomaly detection capabilities
  • Configure anomaly detection for KPIs
  • Configure predictive analytics for services

Module 9 - Access Control

  • Identify ITSI roles and capabilities
  • Describe service level roles and team ownership
  • Modify ITSI menu options
  • Control access to ITSI views

Module 10 - Customization, Maintenance, Troubleshooting

  • Use backup and restore tools
  • Install content packs
  • Use maintenance mode for services and entities
  • Understand the ITSI REST interface
  • ITSI troubleshooting

Module 11 - Correlation Searches and Multi-KPI Alerts

  • Define new correlation searches
  • Define Multi-KPI alerts
  • Manage notable event storage

Module 12 - Aggregation Policies

  • Define aggregation policy capabilities
  • Modify the default aggregation policy
  • Understand Smart Mode
  • Create new aggregation policies
  • Use aggregation policies to automate notable event response

Prix & Delivery methods

Formation en ligne

4 jours

  • US $ 2 000,–


Délai d’accès – inscription possible jusqu’à la date de formation
Date garantie :   Fast Lane s’engage à mettre en œuvre les formations garanties quelque soit le nombre de participants, en dehors des cas de force majeurs ou d’événements exceptionnels, comme un accident ou un maladie de l’instructeur.
Instructor-led Online Training :   Cours en ligne avec instructeur


6 heures de différence

Formation en ligne Fuseau horaire : Eastern Standard Time (EST) Langue : Anglais garanti !