Résumé du cours
This three-day, advanced course explains the fundamentals of OPTIC DL, emphasizing data collection from custom and out-of-the-box sources.
The training comprises theory and practical sessions where you learn to collect OPTIC DL data from – OBM Events, System Metrics from Agent Policies, Agent Metric Collector and SiteScope, BPM, Hyperscale Observability, and Custom Data Sources.
- Explore the internal OPTIC DL Cluster structure, deployment options, and limitations.
- Collect custom data into OPTIC DL.
- Perform data flow troubleshooting and enhance OpenText support interactions.
- Perform Data Collection on SiteScope, BPM, Operations Agent, Events, Kubernetes, and Custom Data sources in end-to-end scenarios.
Moyens d'évaluation :
- Quiz pré-formation de vérification des connaissances (si applicable)
- Évaluations formatives pendant la formation, à travers les travaux pratiques réalisés sur les labs à l’issue de chaque module, QCM, mises en situation…
- Complétion par chaque participant d’un questionnaire et/ou questionnaire de positionnement en amont et à l’issue de la formation pour validation de l’acquisition des compétences
A qui s'adresse cette formation
OPSB SMEs: APM, OBM, and SiteScope operators, IT professionals, and Monitoring SMEs
To be successful in this course, you should have basic IT knowledge, and Linux experience is preferred.
On completion of this course, participants should be able to:
- Explain OPTIC and OPTIC DL.
- Describe the OPTIC DL data flow.
- Integrate Classic OBM with the OPTIC DL cluster.
- Perform a CI push to OPTIC DL.
- Collect Events from OBM.
- Collect custom data with CMI tools.
- Use the custom data in FLEX reports.
- Collect Metrics from Agent Policies.
- Collect metrics with Agent Metric Collector (AMC).
- Collect SiteScope agentless metrics.
- Collect Business Process Manager (BPM) data.
- Configure Hyperscale Collector with CLI.
- Configure Hyperscale Collector with UI.
- Use Hyperscale Observability data in OBM.
Module 1: Course Overview
- Review the overall course objectives
- Explain the course flow
Module 2: Connecting and Verifying the Environment
- Provide an overview of the lab environment
- Connect to the lab environment
- Perform the lab environment operations:
- Using mMremoteNG
- In-lab file transfers
- Verify the lab machines
- Verify product availability – per-product
Module 3a: OPTIC DL Overview
- Explain what OPTIC is and what it does
- Comprehend the high-level OPTIC architecture
- Describe the high-level OPTIC infrastructure
- Explain what OPTIC DL is and what it does
- Demonstrate how the data flow works
- Explain the use cases
Module 3b: Integrating OBM Classic with OPTIC DL
- Explain the function of OBM-OPTIC integration
- Comprehend the integration process
- Employ integration techniques
Module 4a: OPTIC DL Data Collection from OPSB Components
- Describe how data collection works
- Explain policy and Agent Metric Collector (AMC)
- Explain how to collect data from Business Process Manager (BPM), Real User Monitor (RUM), and SiteScope
- Describe system metrics task flows
- Explain Reporting
Module 4b: OPTIC DL Data Collection from OPSB Components HyperScale Availability
- Explain Hyperscale Observability (HsO)
- Explain the HsO configuration tasks
- Discuss HsO targets:
- Azure
- Kubernetes
- Vmware
- Discuss HsO controls:
- OBM Policies
- Monitoring Service CLI
Module 5a: OPTIC DL Custom Data Collection
- Utilize custom data sources
- Explain the prerequisites
- Explain Open Data Ingestion
- Implement the process with CMI tools
Module 5b: Dashboards Overview
- Review the OOTB dashboards and reports to see the data collected in the previous labs
Module 5c: Troubleshooting for Support
- Explain the k9s and the Grafana tool
- Troubleshoot pods and logs
- Explain the custom tools
Moyens Pédagogiques :