Résumé du cours
This course covers the basics of StorageGRID administration. You learn to use the Grid Manager to monitor and manage a StorageGRID 11.3 system. You learn to create and manage storage tenant accounts and users. You also learn how to configure information lifecycle management (ILM) rules and policies to manage object protection. You configure the StorageGRID NAS Bridge node for integration with legacy applications. Finally, you learn how to integrate a StorageGRID system into the NetApp Data Fabric. This course builds on the concepts in the StorageGRID Fundamentals course.
Moyens d'évaluation :
- Quiz pré-formation de vérification des connaissances (si applicable)
- Évaluations formatives pendant la formation, à travers les travaux pratiques réalisés sur les labs à l’issue de chaque module, QCM, mises en situation…
- Complétion par chaque participant d’un questionnaire et/ou questionnaire de positionnement en amont et à l’issue de la formation pour validation de l’acquisition des compétences
A qui s'adresse cette formation
NetApp employees, partners, and customers
This course focuses on enabling you to do the following:
- Use the Grid Manager to monitor and manage a StorageGRID system
- Create and manage storage tenant accounts and users
- Configure information lifecycle management rules and policies
- Learn about the different monitoring and administration interfaces and solutions
- Configure the StorageGRID NAS Bridge node
- Configure and manage email notifications and custom alarms
- Describe how StorageGRID can be integrated into the NetApp Data Fabric
Module 1: StorageGRID Components and Services
- Identify the components of a StorageGRID system
- Node service workflows
Module 2: StorageGRID Grid Manager
- Grid manager
- StorageGRID Configuration options
- StorageGRID Administrators
- Securing Access to StorageGRID
- StorageGRID Management API
Module 3: Storage Tenant Administration
- Tenant Accounts
- Tenant Manager
- Tenant Access Control
- Bucket Access Control
- S3 Bucket Configuration Options
- Platform Services
- StorageGRID tenant API
Module 4: Information Lifecycle Management
- ILM Policies and Rules
- Storage pools, Storage Grades and Regions
- Configuring ILM policies
Module 5: Monitoring the StorageGRID System
- Alarms
- Notifications
- Reporting
- Alerts
Module 6: StorageGRID NAS Bridge
- NAS Bridge overview
Module 7: StorageGRID Maintenance
- StorageGRID AutoSupport
- Audit Log
- Managing StorageGRID Services
- Maintenance Procedures
- StorageGRID Software Upgrades
Module 8: Integrating a StorageGRID System
- Managing Client Connections
- ONTAP FabricPool
- SolidFire Backup to Cloud
- E-Series Cloud Connector
- NetApp Cloud Sync Service
- NetApp SaaS Backup
- Exploring Grid manager
- Creating and managing StorageGRID administrator accounts
- Managing tenant accounts
- Using S3 tenant accounts
- Configuring basic ILM
- Object storage tiering
- Placement based an object Metadata
- Alarm management
- Reporting
- Archiving to the cloud
- Configuring the NAS bridge
- Grid maintenance tasks
- Integrating with a swift protocol client
- Using API docs to manage the StorageGRID system
Moyens Pédagogiques :