IBM Case Foundation 5.2.1: Introduction (F230G)


Résumé du cours

This course introduces the features and components provided with IBM Case Foundation 5.2.1. IBM Case Foundation 5.2.1: Introduction (F230G) covers:

  • Introduction to Basic elements of FileNet workflow applications.
  • Introduction to the administrative tools used to administer FileNet workflow applications.
  • IBM Case Foundation architecture.

IBM Case Foundation 5.2.1: Introduction (F230G) is the first course in in the series of courses available for IBM Case Foundation 5.2.1

If you are enrolling in a Self Paced Virtual Classroom or Web Based Training course, before you enroll, please review the Self-Paced Virtual Classes and Web-Based Training Classes on our Terms and Conditions page, as well as the system requirements, to ensure that your system meets the minimum requirements for this course.

Moyens Pédagogiques :
  • Quiz pré-formation de vérification des connaissances (si applicable)
  • Réalisation de la formation par un formateur agréé par l’éditeur
  • Formation réalisable en présentiel ou en distanciel
  • Mise à disposition de labs distants/plateforme de lab pour chacun des participants (si applicable à la formation)
  • Distribution de supports de cours officiels en langue anglaise pour chacun des participants
    • Il est nécessaire d'avoir une connaissance de l'anglais technique écrit pour la compréhension des supports de cours
Moyens d'évaluation :
  • Quiz pré-formation de vérification des connaissances (si applicable)
  • Évaluations formatives pendant la formation, à travers les travaux pratiques réalisés sur les labs à l’issue de chaque module, QCM, mises en situation…
  • Complétion par chaque participant d’un questionnaire et/ou questionnaire de positionnement en amont et à l’issue de la formation pour validation de l’acquisition des compétences

A qui s'adresse cette formation

This intermediate course is intended for the following:

  • Workflow System Administrator responsible for day-to-day operations of production FileNet Workflow applications and maintenance of the workflow systems.
  • Workflow Author responsible for designing and implementing FileNet workflow applications in the development environment. The Workflow Author prepares the workflow system objects for the FileNet workflow applications which typically provide advanced work management and process automation functions integrated with content management.
  • Solution Architect defines requirements for workflow applications.
  • Application Developer writes step processors and code that cannot use the standard APIs provided with IBM Case Foundation


Workflow Authors and Workflow System Administrators have this prior knowledge:

  • Understanding of their organizations business process applications, competent level
  • Database technology, competent level
  • PCs, networks, and their organizations server operating systems at the expert level

Recommended prerequisite courses:

  • IBM FileNet Content Manager 5.2: Implementation and Administration (F115G)


  • Workflow fundamentals
  • Understand fundamental FileNet workflow elements and how they are used in FileNet workflow applications
  • Workflow processing
  • Launch, process and track a workflow
  • IBM Case Foundation architecture
  • Identify functions of IBM Case Foundation components
  • Explore the Case Foundation components on the student system
  • Appendix
  • Start and Stop System Components
  • Troubleshooting

Prix & Delivery methods

Formation en salle équipée

0,5 jours

  • France : 300,– €

Actuellement aucune session planifiée