Moyens d'évaluation :
- Quiz pré-formation de vérification des connaissances (si applicable)
- Évaluations formatives pendant la formation, à travers les travaux pratiques réalisés sur les labs à l’issue de chaque module, QCM, mises en situation…
- Complétion par chaque participant d’un questionnaire et/ou questionnaire de positionnement en amont et à l’issue de la formation pour validation de l’acquisition des compétences
Who should attend
This course is intended for Developers.
You should have:
- a knowledge of basic Windows functionality, database and dimensional analysis concepts, as well as a working knowledge of SQL
Course Objectives
IBM Cognos Data Manager: Build Data Marts with Enterprise Data (V10.2) is a five-day, instructor-led course that teaches participants how to move, merge, consolidate, and transform data from a range of data sources to build and maintain subject-area data marts. In the process, students will create a catalog and add connections to data sources and targets. They will also deliver fact and dimension data to a data mart through the use of builds and the dimensional framework. In addition, students will learn how to automate common functionality and handle complex data issues, such as unbalanced hierarchical structures.
Course Content
IBM Cognos Data Manager: Build Data Marts with Enterprise Data (V10.2) is a five-day, instructor-led course that teaches participants how to move, merge, consolidate, and transform data from a range of data sources to build and maintain subject-area data marts. In the process, students will create a catalog and add connections to data sources and targets. They will also deliver fact and dimension data to a data mart through the use of builds and the dimensional framework. In addition, students will learn how to automate common functionality and handle complex data issues, such as unbalanced hierarchical structures.
Moyens Pédagogiques :