HPE OneView for Synergy - Advanced Topics (H8PF6)


Course Overview

The HPE OneView for HPE Synergy Advanced Topics covers advanced HPE OneView features, including automation, firmware and driver updates, SPP management, troubleshooting, and VMware Lifecycle Management. This class uses both: real hardware and DCS (Data Center Simulator)

Moyens Pédagogiques :
  • Quiz pré-formation de vérification des connaissances (si applicable)
  • Réalisation de la formation par un formateur agréé par l’éditeur
  • Formation réalisable en présentiel ou en distanciel
  • Mise à disposition de labs distants/plateforme de lab pour chacun des participants (si applicable à la formation)
  • Distribution de supports de cours officiels en langue anglaise pour chacun des participants
    • Il est nécessaire d'avoir une connaissance de l'anglais technique écrit pour la compréhension des supports de cours
Moyens d'évaluation :
  • Quiz pré-formation de vérification des connaissances (si applicable)
  • Évaluations formatives pendant la formation, à travers les travaux pratiques réalisés sur les labs à l’issue de chaque module, QCM, mises en situation…
  • Complétion par chaque participant d’un questionnaire et/ou questionnaire de positionnement en amont et à l’issue de la formation pour validation de l’acquisition des compétences

Who should attend

This course is for administrators managing an HPE Synergy platform and want to extend their knowledge on more advanced HPE OneView features and integration points.


Students should be able to perform HPE OneView and HPE Synergy administration tasks on their HPE Synergy environment. It is strongly recommended that students complete the H0LN3S HPE Synergy Administration course, and gain six month’s experience prior to attending this course.

Course Objectives

After completing this class, participant should be able to:

  • Explain advanced HPE OneView features including firmware management
  • Use HPE OneView for VMware vCenter Server® for workload management
  • Manage HPE OneView security and perform basic troubleshooting
  • Use PowerShell Library for HPE OneView for automation

Course Content

Module 1: HPE OneView Advanced Features
  • Explain advanced HPE Virtual Connect features
  • Configure server profiles with downlink aggregation
  • Describe firmware management using HPE OneView and explain HPE Integrated Smart Update Tools
  • Create custom SPP and use it to update the HPE Synergy compute node
Module 2: Workload Management with VMware vSphere Lifecycle Manager
  • Explain HPE OneView for VMware vCenter features
  • Use vSphere Lifecycle Manager to update ESXi and HPE components
Module 3: Security, Troubleshooting and Automation
  • Manage HPE OneView security
  • Perform HPE Synergy troubleshooting
  • Use HPE Synergy console
  • Explain HPE OneView automation tools


  • Lab 1: Advanced Server Profile Management
  • Lab 2: Firmware Management for HPE Synergy Compute Node
  • Lab 2a: Firmware Management for HPE Synergy Compute Node – RHEL
  • Lab 3: Workload Management with vSphere Lifecycle Manager
  • Lab 4: Working with Storage Integration Pack for vCenter Server
  • Lab 5: Integrating HPE OneView with Active Directory
  • Lab 6: HPE Synergy Troubleshooting
  • Lab 7: Working with PowerShell Library for HPE OneView

Prix & Delivery methods

Formation en ligne

3 jours

  • 2 520,– €
Formation en salle équipée

3 jours

  • France : 2 520,– €

Actuellement aucune session planifiée