Course Overview
The Managing HPE Alletra 6000 and HPE Alletra 5000 course describes the HPE Alletra 6000 and HPE Alletra 5000 portfolio hardware building blocks, theories of operation and features. Using hands-on labs, students learn to perform common day-today management tasks, including how to create hosts, volumes, and collections, as well as how to monitor the product. This course also provides knowledge of more advanced features, including local and remote replication, disaster recovery, scaling-out, QoS, and maintenance. You gain a practical understanding of HPE Alletra 6000 and HPE Alletra 5000 array capabilities using extensive hands-on lab exercises, performed on all applicable user interfaces.
Moyens d'évaluation :
- Quiz pré-formation de vérification des connaissances (si applicable)
- Évaluations formatives pendant la formation, à travers les travaux pratiques réalisés sur les labs à l’issue de chaque module, QCM, mises en situation…
- Complétion par chaque participant d’un questionnaire et/ou questionnaire de positionnement en amont et à l’issue de la formation pour validation de l’acquisition des compétences
Who should attend
Customers, administrators, and channel partner sales or technical sales
- An understanding of general storage concepts including fiber channel, iSCSI technology and RAID
- Operator level functionality in a Windows environment
Course Objectives
After completing this course, you should be able to:
- Describe HPE Alletra 6000 and HPE Alletra 5000 hardware, architecture, and software features
- List and compare HPE Alletra 6000 and HPE Alletra 5000 management options
- Explain HPE Alletra 6000 and HPE Alletra 5000 provisioning terminology, features, and read/write operations flow
- Describe HPE Alletra 6000 and HPE Alletra 5000 array initialization and Data Services Cloud Console onboarding
- Prepare and create hosts and initiator groups for HPE Alletra 6000 and HPE Alletra 5000 storage arrays
- Work with volumes, volume collections, and quality of service (QoS)
- Describe and manage snapshots, clones, and protection templates
- Describe the concept, use, and benefits of the HPE Alletra 6000 and HPE Alletra 5000 storage scale-out architectures
- Explain asynchronous remote replication concepts, implementation, and failure scenarios
- Describe Peer Persistence concepts, architecture, requirements, and the Automatic Switchover (ASO) process
- Describe HPE Alletra 6000 and HPE Alletra 5000 monitoring options and tools
- Describe the HPE Alletra 6000 and HPE Alletra 5000 OS update procedure
Course Content
- Module 0: Course Introduction
- Module 1: Hardware and Features
- Module 2: Management Options
- Module 3: Provisioning Terminology
- Module 4: Initialization and Array Status
- Module 5: Hosts and Initiator Groups
- Module 6: Volumes, Volume Collections, and QoS
- Module 7: Protection Policies, Snapshots, and Clones
- Module 8: Asynchronous Remote Replication
- Module 9: Scale-Out
- Module 10: Peer Persistence
- Module 11: Monitoring, Alerts, and Events
- Module 12: HPE Alletra 6000 and HPE Alletra 5000 OS Update
- Lab 0: HPE vLabs Access
- Lab 1: Getting Started with UIs
- Lab 4: Initialization and Array Status
- Lab 5: Hosts Configuration and Management
- Lab 6 - 1 : Volumes Configuration and Management
- Lab 6 - 2 : Working with Quality of Service (QoS)
- Lab 7: Working with Protection Policies, Snapshots and Clones
- Lab 8: Working with Remote Replication
- Lab 9: Working with Scale-Out technology
- Lab 10: Working with Peer Persistence
- Lab 11: Monitoring, Alerts and Events
- Lab 12: HPE Alletra 6000 and HPE Alletra 5000 Maintenance
Moyens Pédagogiques :