Course Overview
The Managing Zerto: Setup, Protection, and Recovery course prepares beginner to intermediate Zerto users to deploy, configure, and manage the solution in VMware vSphere® environments. Ideal for hands-on practitioners, the training focuses on Zerto’s core concepts and components, including the major recovery operations such as failovers, tests, and restores. Hands-on labs are included to give learners firsthand experience with setup and protection.
Moyens d'évaluation :
- Quiz pré-formation de vérification des connaissances (si applicable)
- Évaluations formatives pendant la formation, à travers les travaux pratiques réalisés sur les labs à l’issue de chaque module, QCM, mises en situation…
- Complétion par chaque participant d’un questionnaire et/ou questionnaire de positionnement en amont et à l’issue de la formation pour validation de l’acquisition des compétences
Who should attend
- Zerto customers
- Zerto partners
No prior Zerto experience is required. The class assumes familiarity with VMware vSphere® and virtualization technologies.
Course Objectives
By the end of this class, you should be able to:
- Articulate the top use cases for Zerto and the architectures needed for each
- Describe the major Zerto components and how they interoperate
- Install, setup, and configure Zerto in a vSphere environment
- Protect virtual machines replicating locally and to a secondary peer site
- Perform the most common recovery operations, including file restores, failover tests, live failover, and moves
Course Content
Module 1: Zerto Overview
- Introduction to Zerto
- Primary use cases
- Core technology and differentiators
Module 2: Zerto Virtual Manager (ZVM)
- ZVM overview
- ZVM specifications and prerequisites
- Sizing and security hardening
- Installation
Module 3: Virtual Replication Appliances (VRAs)
- VRA overview
- VRA resources: compute, memory, networking, and storage
- Deployment and setup
Module 4: Architectures
- Basic on-premises architecture
- Operational recovery architecture
- Disaster recovery (DR) architecture
- DR with long-term retention architecture
- Operational recovery and DR architecture
Module 5: Journal
- Role of the journal
- Basic data path
- Sizing and settings
Module 6: Zerto Replication
- Diving deeper on data path
- Checkpoints and write-order fidelity
- Initial, continuous, bitmap, and delta syncs
Module 7: Virtual Protection Groups (VPGs)
- Role of VPGs
- VPG types and creation
- VM auto-protection
- VPG prioritization
- One-to-many replication
Module 8: Long Term Retention (LTR)
- Overview of LTR
- Structure of LTR repositories
- LTR read and write flows
- Index and search
Module 9: Zerto Analytics and Monitoring
- Overview of Zerto analytics
- Zerto reports
- Zerto analytics architecture
- Resource planner
Module 10: File and VM Restores
- File restore process and considerations
- VM restore process and considerations
Module 11: Recovery Concepts
- Scratch disks
- Commits and commit policies
- Reverse protection
- VM shutdown options
Module 12: Recovery Operations: Failover Test
- Test overview
- Failover test process
- Additional use cases
Module 13: Recovery Operations: Live Failover
- Failover overview
- Failover process
Module 14: Recovery Operations: Move
- Move overview
- Move process
- Move parameters
- Comparison: move vs failover
- Exercise 1: Introduction to HPE Virtual Labs
- Exercise 2: Express Install
- Exercise 3: License and Pair Zerto Sites
- Exercise 4: VRA Installation
- Exercise 5: Create a Virtual Protection Group
- Exercise 6: Using Zerto Analytics
- Exercise 7: Create a Local Virtual Protection Group
- Exercise 8: Copy a Virtual Protection Group
- Exercise 9: Edit a Virtual Protection Group
- Exercise 10: Restore Files and Folders
- Exercise 11: Failover Test
- Exercise 12: Perform a Live Failover
- Exercise 13: Perform a Move Operation
- Exercise 14: Create a Long Term Retention Repository
- Exercise 15: Create the LTR Search Index
- Exercise 16: Edit a Virtual Protection Group to Enable Long Term Retention
- Exercise 17: Restore a VM
Moyens Pédagogiques :