Course Overview
This course is an introduction to building forecasting solutions with Google Cloud. You start with sequence models and time series foundations. You then walk through an end-to-end workflow: from data preparation to model development and deployment with Vertex AI. Finally, you learn the lessons and tips from a retail use case and apply the knowledge by building your own forecasting models.
Moyens d'évaluation :
- Quiz pré-formation de vérification des connaissances (si applicable)
- Évaluations formatives pendant la formation, à travers les travaux pratiques réalisés sur les labs à l’issue de chaque module, QCM, mises en situation…
- Complétion par chaque participant d’un questionnaire et/ou questionnaire de positionnement en amont et à l’issue de la formation pour validation de l’acquisition des compétences
Who should attend
Professional data analysts, data scientists, and ML engineers who want to build end-to-end high performance forecasting solutions on Google Cloud and add automation to the workflow.
Having one or more of the following:
- Basic knowledge of Python syntax
- Basic understanding of machine learning models
- Prior experience building machine learning solutions on Google Cloud
Course Objectives
- Understand the main concepts and the applications of a sequence model, time series, and forecasting.
- Identify the options to develop a forecasting model on Google Cloud.
- Describe the workflow to develop a forecasting model by using Vertex AI.
- Prepare data (including ingestion and feature engineering) by using BigQuery and Vertex managed datasets.
- Train a forecasting model and evaluate the performance by using AutoML.
- Deploy and monitor a forecasting model by using Vertex AI Pipelines.
- Build a forecasting solution from end-to-end using a retail dataset.
Moyens Pédagogiques :