Configuring BIG-IQ (TRG-BIQ-CFG)


Course Overview

This course uses lectures and hands-on exercises to give participants real-time experience in configuring and using the BIG-IQ® product. Students are introduced to BIG-IQ, its interface, and its various functionality. We first look at administering and operating the BIG-IQ system itself, then detail how it is used to remotely manage BIG-IP devices running BIG-IP Local Traffic Manager (LTM). We then look configuring a BIG-IQ Data Collection Device (DCD) system and see how it is used for the remote storage and examination of BIG-IP log events and statistics.

Moyens Pédagogiques :
  • Quiz pré-formation de vérification des connaissances (si applicable)
  • Réalisation de la formation par un formateur agréé par l’éditeur
  • Formation réalisable en présentiel ou en distanciel
  • Mise à disposition de labs distants/plateforme de lab pour chacun des participants (si applicable à la formation)
  • Distribution de supports de cours officiels en langue anglaise pour chacun des participants
    • Il est nécessaire d'avoir une connaissance de l'anglais technique écrit pour la compréhension des supports de cours
Moyens d'évaluation :
  • Quiz pré-formation de vérification des connaissances (si applicable)
  • Évaluations formatives pendant la formation, à travers les travaux pratiques réalisés sur les labs à l’issue de chaque module, QCM, mises en situation…
  • Complétion par chaque participant d’un questionnaire et/ou questionnaire de positionnement en amont et à l’issue de la formation pour validation de l’acquisition des compétences

Who should attend

The course is for system and network administrators responsible for the installation, setup, configuration, and administration of the BIG-IQ system. Or, it can be undertaken by operators who require some knowledge of how the systems are setup, but usually concentrate on performing particular operational tasks whether on BIG-IQ or via BIG-IQ on the managed BIG-IP devices.


Students must complete one of the following F5 prerequisites before attending this course:


  • F5 Certified BIG-IP Administrator

The following free web-based training courses, although optional, will be very helpful for any student with limited BIG-IP administration and configuration experience. These courses are available at F5 University:

  • Getting Started with BIG-IP
  • Getting Started with BIG-IP Local Traffic Manager (LTM)

The following general network technology knowledge and experience are recommended before attending any F5 Global Training Services instructor-led course:

  • OSI model encapsulation
  • Routing and switching
  • Ethernet and ARP
  • TCP/IP concepts
  • IP addressing and subnetting
  • NAT and private IP addressing
  • Default gateway
  • Network firewalls
  • LAN vs. WAN

Course Objectives

  • Perform an initial setup, license, and provision of a BIG-IQ system
  • Administer and monitor the BIG-IQ system
  • Manage BIG-IP LTM devices using BIG-IQ
  • Create, deploy, monitor, and report on BIG-IQ configuration changes
  • Create, deploy, monitor, and report on managed BIG-IP device configuration changes
  • Undertake various troubleshooting of the BIG-IQ functionality
  • Perform an initial setup, license, and provision of a BIG-IQ Data Collection Device (DCD)
  • Configure a BIG-IQ to use a BIG-IQ DCD and examine BIG-IP analytical data

Course Content

BIG-IQ Overview
  • BIG-IQ Centralized Management
  • BIG-IQ Approach
  • BIG-IQ Core Functionality
  • BIG-IQ Data Collection Device (DCD)
  • BIG-IP Cloud Edition (CE)
  • Setting Up the BIG-IQ System
Administering the BIG-IQ System
  • Controlling Access to the BIG-IQ
  • Creating, Authenticating, Configuring Users and their Roles
  • System Backups
  • Configuring DNS, NTP, and SMTP
  • Monitoring the BIG-IQ, DCD, and BIG-IP events and alerts
  • Monitoring BIG-IQ with iHealth
  • Post Installation Issues; Licensing, Changing Management IP, Master Key, Restoring Backups
  • Managing BIG-IP LTM Devices
    • BIG-IP LTM Device Discovery
    • BIG-IP Device Backup
    • Deploying to BIG-IP Devices, Various Methods and Logs
    • BIG-IQ Configuration Snapshots
    • Managing BIG-IP Certificates
    • Managing BIG-IP Licenses
    • Monitoring BIG-IP Devices with iHealth
    • Management of QKView Reports from Managed BIG-IP Devices
  • Setting Up the BIG-IQ Data Collection Device
  • Custom Role Types and Groups
    • Setting up User Accounts with custom roles and privileges
  • Managing BIG-IP DSC
    • Discovery and management of BIG-IP Device Clusters (DSC) with BIG-IQ
  • Administering BIG-IQ High Availability
    • Configuration and management of BIG-IQ systems in a High Availability pair

Prix & Delivery methods

Formation en ligne

2 jours

  • 1 900,– €
Formation en salle équipée

2 jours

  • France : 1 900,– €

Actuellement aucune session planifiée