RecoverPoint Administration for Physical Storage Arrays (MR-9CN-NSRPOM)


Course Overview

The RecoverPoint Management course is designed for anyone who is responsible for the administration and management of a RecoverPoint environment. This course focuses on leveraging RecoverPoint technology to achieve and maintain application Recovery Point Objectives (RPO) and Recovery Time Objectives (RTO). An integral part of the training addresses product architecture, management, and operations of RecoverPoint. There will be extensive lab demonstrations and lecture which will cover the following concepts: configuration requirements, The methods of Replication; The configuration of consistency groups and distributed consistency groups; How to configure them for integration with different virtualization software; and Finally, the course addresses general monitoring and troubleshooting of RecoverPoint events.

This course does not cover RecoverPoint for Virtual Machines.

Moyens Pédagogiques :
  • Quiz pré-formation de vérification des connaissances (si applicable)
  • Réalisation de la formation par un formateur agréé par l’éditeur
  • Formation réalisable en présentiel ou en distanciel
  • Mise à disposition de labs distants/plateforme de lab pour chacun des participants (si applicable à la formation)
  • Distribution de supports de cours officiels en langue anglaise pour chacun des participants
    • Il est nécessaire d'avoir une connaissance de l'anglais technique écrit pour la compréhension des supports de cours
Moyens d'évaluation :
  • Quiz pré-formation de vérification des connaissances (si applicable)
  • Évaluations formatives pendant la formation, à travers les travaux pratiques réalisés sur les labs à l’issue de chaque module, QCM, mises en situation…
  • Complétion par chaque participant d’un questionnaire et/ou questionnaire de positionnement en amont et à l’issue de la formation pour validation de l’acquisition des compétences

Who should attend

This course is intended for any learners who intend to manage a RecoverPoint solution.


To understand the content and successfully complete this course, a student must have a suitable knowledgebase/skill set. The student must have an understanding of:

  • Storage networking infrastructures and concepts
  • Fundament Knowledge of the RecoverPoint Product

Course Objectives

Upon successful completion of this course, participants should be able to:

  • Describe the RecoverPoint System, Options, Components and Requirements
  • Explain the concept of a RecoverPoint Consistency Group and RecoverPoint Data Flow
  • Describe the RecoverPoint management options and Installation tools
  • Describe the factors to consider when planning RecoverPoint Replication
  • Create and manage Consistency Groups using Unisphere for RecoverPoint
  • Perform data protection tasks available with Unisphere for RecoverPoint
  • Describe the steps required to use the System Analysis Tools for RecoverPoint

Course Content

Module: RecoverPoint Concepts
  • RecoverPoint Overview
  • RecoverPoint System Architecture
  • RecoverPoint Constructs
  • RecoverPoint Data Flow
  • RecoverPoint Management Options
Module: RecoverPoint Management
  • RecoverPoint Administration Tasks
  • Replication Planning
  • Consistency Group Management
  • XtremIO Consistency Groups Settings
  • MetroPoint Consistency Groups
  • RecoverPoint Integration
Module: RecoverPoint Operations
  • Working with Images
  • Recovery Operations
  • Modifying Consistency Groups
Module: RecoverPoint Systems Analysis
  • RecoverPoint Systems Analysis Tools
  • Gathering RecoverPoint Information in the CLI
  • RecoverPoint for VNX Integration

Prix & Delivery methods

Formation en ligne

3 jours

  • 2 970,– €


Délai d’accès – inscription possible jusqu’à la date de formation
Instructor-led Online Training :   Cours en ligne avec instructeur


Fuseau horaire : Heure normale d'Europe centrale (HNEC)   ±1 heure

Formation en ligne Fuseau horaire : Heure normale d'Europe centrale (HNEC) Langue : Anglais