Detailed Course Outline
Day 1
- Introduction to and History of Kubernetes
- 10,000 Feet View of Kubernetes
- Crash Course: Docker Fundamentals
- Lab 1: Deploying the First Container
- Applications on Kubernetes (Pods, Services, Deployments)
- Interfacing with Kubernetes with kubectl
- Lab 2: Deploying a Real-World Application
Day 2
- Guide to Kubernetes Cluster Infrastructure
- Security with Secrets, RBAC and Namespaces
- Networking Overview
- Lab 3: Securing the Application
- Understanding Ingress
- Storage Options
- Stateful Sets
- Lab 4: Databases on Kubernetes
Day 3
- High-Availability and Desaster Recovery
- Elasticity and Scaling
- Cloud Options
- Lab 5: Spinning up a Cluster on Your Favorite Cloud Provider
- Using Helm
- Course Wrap-Up