Red Hat Container Adoption Boot Camp for Administrators (DO700) – Outline

Detailed Course Outline

Create custom container images

  • Create containers, manage containers, and manage container images.

Deploy containerized applications

  • Customize containers and deploy on Red Hat OpenShift.

Troubleshoot containerized applications

  • Troubleshoot Red Hat OpenShift deployments.

Explore Red Hat OpenShift networking concepts

  • Describe Red Hat OpenShift networking concepts and troubleshoot with CLI.

Manage Red Hat OpenShift resources

  • Control access to Red Hat OpenShift resources, implement persistent storage, and manage application deployments.

Containerize applications

  • Understand deployment methods, designing containers, and integrated registry and image streams.

Manage application deployments

  • Manage advanced application deployments and Red Hat OpenShift templates.

Design a highly available cluster

  • Design and install a highly available cluster, custom certificates, and log aggregation, in addition to gaining an understanding of Gluster container-native storage, managing system resources, and configuring advanced networking.

Implement microservice architecture

  • Describe microservice architectures, deploy microservices, and implement with MicroProfile.

Test microservices

  • Run microservices, inject configuration data, and perform health checks.

Implement fault tolerance

  • Apply fault tolerance, develop an API gateway for a series of microservices, and secure with JWT.

Secure microservices with JWT

  • Use the JSON Web Token specification to secure a microservice.

Create microservices with Red Hat OpenShift Application Runtimes

  • Receive an introduction to OpenShift Application Runtimes and Fabric8.

Install Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform

  • Install, monitor, and manage OpenShift Container Platform.

Customize source-to-image builds

  • Tailor source-to-image builds and migrate applications to Red Hat OpenShift.

Develop and deploy runtimes

  • Employ the WildFly Swarm, Vert.x, and Spring Boot runtimes to develop and deploy microservices.

Monitor microservices

  • Track the operation of a microservice using metrics, distributed tracing, and log aggregation.