Detailed Course Outline
Module 01: Course Overview
- Identify the content and objectives of the course
- Define the class schedule and class logistics
- Identify the related courses
- Discuss lab environment details
Module 02: Introduction to CMS
- Define CMS and ITIL
- Define the common providers and consumers of CMS
- Identify the components of Micro Focus CMS
- Identify the integration capabilities of Micro Focus CMS
Module 03: Introduction to Universal Discovery (UD)
- Define Universal Discovery functions and features
- Identify uses/applications of Universal Discovery
- Identify the Universal Discovery components
Module 04: UD Architecture, Installation, and Deployment
- Identify the architecture and deployment of Universal Discovery
- Install the Universal Discovery Probe
- Configure Universal Discovery Probe via the CMS UI
- Describe Universal Discovery licenses
Module 05: UD Adapter Management
- Describe adapters
- Use the Adapter Management UI (CMS and Admin)
- Identify different resource types for discovery
- Explore adapter definition
- Work with discovery packages
- Use the Package Manager in CMS UI
Module 06: Working with the Universal Discovery Module
- Use different approaches to run discovery
- Use the Universal Discovery module
- Use module or job-based discovery
- Use zone-based discovery
- Define management zones
- Define discovery activities
- Set up discovery via the CMS UI
Module 07: Dependency Mapping Discovery
- Describe Dependency Mapping discovery
- Describe Spiral discovery
- Deploy UD Agent (UDA) deployment
- Implement dependency mapping discovery
- Deploy UDA via the CMS UI
Module 08: UD Inventory
- Explain inventory discovery
- Use the inventory scanner
- Deploy inventory discovery
- Use the scanner generator wizard
- Run inventory discovery, both in enterprise and manual mode
- Run inventory discovery via the CMS UI
- Use the Java XML Enricher
- Perform client discovery
- Use inventory tools and reports
Module 09: UD Application Recognition
- Define the application recognition process
- Use the Software Library Viewer
- Use the Software Application Index (SAI) editor
- Describe Application Teaching
- Describe Application Teaching using the SAI editor
- Use the Analysis Workbench
- Use Express Teaching
- Start Smart Software Analytics (SSA)
Module 10: Discovery Rules Engine
- Define the Discovery Rules Engine
- Work with discovery rules
- Identify the Discovery Rules Engine log files
Module 11: Monitoring and Troubleshooting Discovery
- Monitor discovery progress
- Use discovery-related reports
- Use the Discovery Troubleshooter
- Monitor and troubleshoot using the CMS UI
- Use the UD log files
Module 12: Configuring and Troubleshooting ASM
- Create a service model using Automated Service Modeling (ASM)
- Create consumer-provider dependency mapping
- Conduct a top-down discovery
Module 13: Integration
- Identify UCMDB integrations
- Define the integration types
- Define integration point, adapter, and job
- Use the Integration Studio to setup integrations
- Set up integrations in CMS UI
- Integrate UCMDB and Service Manager