Detailed Course Outline
Day 1
Chapter 1: Course Introduction
Chapter 2: PAA Solution Components
- PAA Overview
- Passive and Active Monitoring
- Use Cases
Chapter 3: Test Agent Architecture
- Test Agents Overview
- Appliance
- Application
- LAB 1: Test Agent Registration
Chapter 4: Tests
- Overview
- Types of Tests
- Test Status
- LAB 2: Site Activation Testing
Day 2
Chapter 5: Monitors
- Overview
- Types of Monitors
- Monitor Status
- LAB 3: Continuous Network Performance Monitoring
Chapter 6: Testing and Monitoring Templates
- Overview
- Types of Templates
- LAB 4: Working with Templatess
Chapter 7: Getting Ready with REST APIs
- Overview
- Main Concepts
- SWAGGER tool
- Use Cases
- LAB 5: Automation via REST APIs
Module 8: Management and Integration with OSS
- Inventory
- Alarms
- Applications
- OSS Integration
Appendix A: NETCONF and YANG APIs
Appendix B: Lifecycle Management
- Overview
- Fundamentals for the PAA Installation
- Service Configuration
- Monitoring System Health
- System Troubleshooting