Detailed Course Outline
Day 1
- Welcome
- Unit 1: z/OS advanced performance overview Unit 2: Tuning Parallel Sysplex
- Exercise 1: Introduction to your system Exercise 2: Tuning Parallel Sysplex
Day 2
- Unit 3: Workload Manager and performance
- Unit 4: zAAPs and zIIPs: Specialty processors
- Unit 5: Monitoring and tuning UNIX System Services
Day 3
- Unit 5: Monitoring and tuning UNIX System Services (continued)
- Exercise 3: USS batch performance Exercise 4: USS classification
- Unit 6: Advanced Workload Management and Resource Monitoring functions
- Exercise 5: z/OSMF and performance management
Day 4
- Exercise 5: z/OSMF and performance management (continued)
- Unit 7: zEnterprise Platform Performance Management
- Exercise 6: Cross platform monitoring with RMF XP