Detailed Course Outline
Module 1: Course Overview
- Course Objectives
Module 2: Introduction to OpenStack
- OpenStack Overview
- OpenStack high level architecture
- OpenStack architecture overview
- OpenStack component interactions
- OpenStack API Interfaces
- HP and the Cloud
- HP’s Contributions to OpenStack
- HP’s OpenStack and Cloud Leadership
- HP’s OpenStack Based Offerings
- Accessing OpenStack Services
- Dashboard
Module 3: Keystone
- Keystone overview
- Keystone architecture
- User management
- Service management
- Using Keystone
- Using the python-keystone client
- Adding Users, Tenants, and Roles
- Token Auth vs Password Auth methods
- Configuring service credentials
- Configuring SSL support
- Configuring Keystone
- Troubleshooting Keystone
Module 4: Nova
- Nova Overview
- Nova architecture
- OpenStack Compute component interactions
- A look the Nova API
- nova-network
- Nova volume management
- Configuring Nova
- Operating Nova
- Creating and managing a compute node
- Image and instance management using Nova
- Scheduler
- Scheduling overview
- Nova Schedulers
- Troubleshooting
Module 5: Glance
- Glance Overview
- Glance architecture
- Glance API
- Glance Registry
- Glance storage adapters
- Image management using Glance
- Overview of image management
- Supported image types
- Creating and configuring images in Glance
- Booting an image
- Deleting an instance
- Replicating images
- Configuring Glance
- Troubleshooting Glance
Module 6: Horizon
- Horizon overview
- Horizon Architecture
- Installing and configuring Horizon
- Common management tasks
- Troubleshooting
Module 7: Neutron
- Overview of OpenStack Neutron
- Neutron Architecture and use cases
- Single flat network
- Multiple flat network
- Mixed flat and private network
- Provider router with private networks
- Per-tenant routers with private networks
- Open vSwitch and Linux bridge
- Linux network namespaces
- Configuring Neutron
- Using Neutron Services
- Troubleshooting Neutron
Module 8: OpenStack Block Storage (Cinder)
- Cinder Overview
- Cinder Architecture
- OpenStack storage concepts
- Cinder API
- Cinder scheduler
- Cinder Configuration
- Using Cinder
- Creating volumes
- Configuring boot from volume
- Troubleshooting
Module 9: OpenStack Object Storage (Swift)
- Swift Overview
- Swift Architecture
- Accounts and credentials
- Containers, objects, rings
- Nodes: auth, proxy, storage
- Replication
- Updaters and auditors
- Language Bindings
- Configuring Swift
- Using Swift
- Accounts
- Creating and managing objects
- Object server management
- Container server management
- Account server management
- Proxy server management
- Ring management
- Large objects
- Monitoring
- Troubleshooting
Module 10: Ceilometer
- Ceilometer overview
- Architecture
- Central agent
- Compute agent
- Collector
- Data store
- API server
- Meter types and units
- Configuring Ceilometer
- Using Ceilometer
- Using component meters
- API and CLI queries
- Troubleshooting Ceilometer
Module 11: Heat
- Heat Overview
- Architecture
- AWS CloudFormation template format
- Heat CFN API service
- Heat CFN tools
- Heat enabled images
- User data input formats
- Cloud-init and user-data scripts
- Resource plugins
- Configuring Heat
- Using Heat
- Configuring images for use with Heat
- Creating a stack
- Troubleshooting
Module 12: OpenStack Deployment Planning
- Planning an OpenStack deployment
- Regions, AZs, Cells, etc.
- HA considerations
- HP Services for OpenStack deployment planning.