Cisco Certified Network Professional Enterprise (CCNP ENTERPRISE)

Achieving CCNP Enterprise certification proves your skills with enterprise networking solutions. To earn CCNP Enterprise certification, you pass two exams: one that covers core enterprise technologies and one concentration exam of your choice, so you can customize your certification to your technical area of focus.

The new CCNP Enterprise certification program prepares you for today’s professional-level job roles in enterprise networking technologies. CCNP Enterprise now includes automation and programmability to help you scale your networking infrastructure.

One of the industry’s most respected certifications, CCNP validates the core knowledge you need while giving you the flexibility to choose a focus area.

And now every exam in the CCNP Enterprise program earns an individual Specialist certification, so you get recognized for your accomplishments along the way.


There are no formal prerequisites for CCNP Enterprise, but you should have a good understanding of the exam topics before taking the exam.

CCNP candidates often also have three to five years of experience implementing enterprise networking solutions.

Exams and recommended training

To earn CCNP Enterprise, you pass two exams: a core exam and a concentration exam of your choice:

  • The core exam focuses on your knowledge of enterprise infrastructure including dual-stack (IPv4 and IPv6) architecture, virtualization, infrastructure, network assurance, security, and automation. The core exam is also the qualifying exam for CCIE Enterprise Infrastructure and CCIE Enterprise Wireless certifications. Passing this exam helps toward earning any or all of these certifications.
  • Concentration exams focus on emerging and industry-specific topics such as network design, SD-WAN, wireless, and automation. You can prepare for concentration exams by taking corresponding Cisco training courses.

Required exam

Recommended training

Core exam:

350-401 ENCOR

Mise en œuvre et exploitation des technologies de base des réseaux d'entreprise Cisco (ENCOR) 1.4

Concentration exams (choose one):

300-410 ENARSI

Mise en œuvre du routage et des services avancés Cisco Enterprise (ENARSI)

300-415 ENSDWI

Mise en œuvre des solutions SD-WAN de Cisco (ENSDWI)

300-420 ENSLD

Conception de réseaux d'entreprise Cisco (ENSLD)

300-425 ENWLSD

Conception d'un réseau sans fil d'entreprise Cisco (ENWLSD)

300-430 ENWLSI

Mise en œuvre des réseaux sans fil d'entreprise Cisco (ENWLSI)

300-435 ENAUTO

Mise en œuvre de l'automatisation pour les solutions d'entreprise Cisco (ENAUI)

300-440 ENCC

Designing and Implementing Cloud Connectivity (ENCC)


CCNP Enterprise certification is valid for three years.

Visit recertification policy